SGH offers school cleaning services for public schools, private schools, universities, colleges, technical schools, charter schools, daycare facilities, and preschools. A clean facility is critical in providing an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning and the school’s safety. Learn more about our educational facility cleaning programs and to receive a free quote.
Cleaning Includes:
Sanitizing Restrooms and hard surfaces
Sweeping Mopping floors
Cleaning of teacher lounges/breakrooms
High/Low Dusting
Trash & Recyclables are taken to the designated collection area. Liners in all receptacles will be kept fresh
Carpets are vacuumed wall to wall (including edges and corners) using a hepa filter commercial vacuum
Classrooms will be given special attention to ensure all areas are clean and sanitary. Services for desks, whiteboards and other areas are included depending on needs.
OTHER: Deep cleaning during schools breaks, VCT and ceramic tile floor maintenance programs and carpet cleaning can be provided depending on needs
*Emergency Cleaning Available